The differences between Colombian and South Korea are mainly in manners

The differences between Colombian and South Korea are mainly in manners. To begin with, I think that in South Korea they are very respectful of the norms and rules unlike Colombia, and in South Korea they are stricter in enforcing these norms or rules. For example, in South Korea there is a strict rule about how to recycle, or not to run the red light, or also when the teacher arrives at class, they say hello, bow and then sit and listen to the class without interrupting. Unlike Colombia, which is the complete opposite, people do not know how to recycle and they do not do it either, they do not respect traffic regulations, there is no respect for teachers, etc. On the other hand, South Korea is a very strict country and for them education is very important, for this reason they spend more than 10 hours a day studying, and sometimes they even prefer to skip meals or not share time with friends or family because they are studying. Studying is so important for South Korea that every year when it is the exam to enter university it is forbidden to make noise, so during that day flights are not allowed, people do not go to work, and even schools close to so that the kids can concentrate on studying. Finally, I think that in South Korea there is more respect for older people. For example, it is very frowned upon to contradict an older person, or to call them by name and even the younger brother cannot call the older brother by his name, he must call him with words of respect that for example in Colombia would be "sir" or " lady". To summarize, I think we could learn from South Korea to be more respectful towards the elderly and to be more responsible by complying with the norms of society.


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Colombia and South Korea

The similarities between Colombian and South Korea are striking for the lifestyle.